The Real Thing with the Coake Family Store
Real Organized Road Trip Planner

The open road and adventure are calling! I know you hear them. Will you answer or will you listen to those who say you can't do it? or say you are crazy? Been there. Heard that many times!
With the help of the Real Organized Road Trip Planner, you can take that road trip!
The Real Organied Road Trip Planner has everything you need to plan and execute a trip that is well thought out and fun for everyone.
I've taken my experience making 2 epic road trips with my daughters (and no other adults) along with my organization skills and rolled them into this Road Trip Planner.
The Planner has tips on things like making your budget and how to map out your route. I also share my tips on how to figure out the mileage to drive each day.
The Real Organized Road Trip Planner includes 8 pages of notes and tips on how to use it as well as how to plan your trip.
The printable includes:
- A customizable cover
- Trip Overview
- Route Mapping
- At-A-Glance Planner
- Daily Planner
- Road Trip Packing List
- To-Do List
- Shopping List
- While Away Planner
Just dream up your trip and plan to your little hearts content using all the tools and tips included in the Real Organized Road Trip Planner.
When you are done, you are ready to head out on the road knowing you've got the fun covered and you and your family will have a great trip.
The road and adventure are calling. Will you chicken out? or will you enjoy the adventure?
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