The Real Thing with the Coake Family Store
Storage Organization System

You've saved those clothes from Lucy for Sophia....but where did you put the Size 5 clothes and what did you save?
You've saved the sidewalk chalk and other outdoor play items for next summer somewhere, but where?
It's so smart to save things we know we're going to need again. It leads to frustration and more time wasted when we can't find them or worse, find them after we already bought something to replace what we couldn't find.
I've been there. That's why I created the Storage Organization System.
I wanted to know what I'd stored and where I'd stored it in an easy and quick way.
The Storage Organization System is a simple printable system that will save you time and money.
First, use your master sheet to have an overview of what you have stored in each storage location in your home(attic, garage, shed, etc.).
Second, use the detail sheets to list exactly what's in each box.
Third, label the box and put away.
Last, print out your master and detail sheets and store them in your family binder.
You're done and organized. Easy peasy!
You can buy together with the Holiday Storage Organization System in the Combo package for a great deal!
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