Complete Movie Binder Printable Set

Drowning in DVDs? I used to be as well.
My kids never seemed to put them away in the proper case or at all. They were always a mess.
By organizing all of our movies in a binder (affiliate link), you can read more here, I saved a ton of space. ♥
My kids also now know exactly where to put away the movies and it no longer matters if they go in the correct case. They only need to put them in the sleeves(affiliate link) behind the correct divider.
It is a system that has worked for us for over 3 years.
You can do the same. It is a project that will probably take you an hour and will yield less mess and more space. ♥ it!
This is a digital printable set. The Complete Movie Binder includes 2 Binder Covers and dividers for:
- Exercise/Yoga DVDs
- TV Shows
- G Movies
- PG Movies
- PG-13 Movies
- R Movies
- Kids TV Shows
- Family G Movies
- Family PG Movies
- Christmas Movies
It is recommended that you print on cardstock with high-quality color ink.
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